The people who care most about Lindsay Lohan believe she desperately needs to get help, but she refuses to listen. A professional who is extremely close to Lindsay confided in TMZ. "If she doesn't get help soon, she's going to die."
People who have been trying to help Lindsay over the last year -- both professionally and personally -- feel something terrible will happen unless she immediately gets help for substance abuse. We are not talking about Michael or Dina Lohan. These are people who have quietly been trying to convince Lindsay to go to rehab again.
Lindsay, we're told, is making excuses for her erratic behavior and refusing to acknowledge her problem. After falling Wednesday night when leaving a party, Lindsay Tweeted, "Only I would get pushed into a large, sharp plant by crazy paparazzi!!! I need to start wearing more flats:/"
Everyone knows Lindsay Lohan is partying so much she is going to die. Everyone knows she is going to die, except herself. This is not the story. The real story here is what a fall from grace. I mean look at the fucking picture at the top of this page compared to this one below. She really needs to take a look at herself now compared to then because there is no way being fucked up all the time is worth what she is doing to herself. Do us all a favor Lindsay, clean your act up and get hot again. Please, if you don't do that the whole idea of you not being around might not be a bad thing anymore.