Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Houston Blogger Meetup: Ladies Lunching

Today I got to have a lovely lunch with my favorite blogger friends:

Monica from Classy & Fabulous

from Everyone Loves Lipstick

and Magen from MAP Your Style

I was a few minutes late to lunch because my hair appointment ran a little over and when I arrived I just had to laugh when I saw our table: you know you've got a table full of bloggers when everyone's DSLR is sitting out, ready to snap a shot! Unfortunately, my new TB clutch couldn't accommodate my canon.

We had an absolute blast--- I feel lucky to know such incredible ladies!  We lunched at Flora & Muse at City Center. I had strawberry crepes--- a little nod to Paris!

Thanks to Magen for these gorgeous pics!
 The beautiful chandeliers at Flora & Muse!

Monica, Magen, Me, Angela

How talented is Monica? Seriously. She painted this for Magen. If you'd like one you can check out her Etsy store here. I'm definitely going to get one for my closet one day!

My hair color isn't coming out right in these photos but it's closer to the photo where it looks lighter. I'll snap some shots in daylight tomorrow to get a true color.  We ended up coloring my roots and added thicker highlights throughout the underneath and sides of my hair (we kept the top really blended though.)

Have a happy Saturday night everyone!  

