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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jake Pavelka or TMZ? Who is the bigger idiot.

"The Bachelor" Jake Pavelka is catching some serious heat even before marrying Vienna Girardi -- and it's all over the ex-girlfriend in this photo.

Jake's ex, 24-year-old Tanya Douglas, claims that Jake was in contact with her after he finished taping "The Bachelor" -- and she claims Jake said he was coming back to her.

In the past Jake has denied any overlap between past relationships and his 'Bachelor' days.

So, what do you think -- did Jake make the right choice?

Ok, I'm going to make this one short and sweet because I'm sure all of you don't give a fuck about Jake Pavelka. Jake Pavelka had options. A lot of options with a lot of hot girls. He made the worst decision possible with these options that were handed to him.

He had Gia. He had Tanya. He had fucking Tenley. He gave it all up for fucking Vienna.

Nice job Jake. So TMZ, fuck off. It's obvious he made a moronic decision. Everyone knows. Don't ask the question like you're the only one who hasn't.

Oh and by the way, that's a picture of Jake's ex girlfriend that he left to become a reality TV sensation.