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Friday, March 5, 2010

My High School Is A Sex Cesspool...

"LONDONDERRY – Londonderry High School English teacher Melinda Dennehy is at the center of an ongoing police investigation, the New Hampshire Union Leader has learned.
On Wednesday, Londonderry police and Superintendent Nathan Greenberg both confirmed they had launched an investigation into allegations of inappropriate behavior involving an employee of the school district. Police Lt. Tim Jones said the allegations of inappropriate behavior involved a teacher.
Several students at Londonderry High School said yesterday it was common knowledge among the student body that Dennehy, a teacher of sophomore-level English and literature courses, had been the subject of a police investigation.
"It was all anyone was talking about," said Brady McQuarrie, a junior at the high school. McQuarrie said Dennehy's classes were taught by a substitute teacher yesterday.
Dennehy, a teacher at the high school since 2007 who primarily teaches sophomore level classes, was removed from the list of teachers on the Londonderry High School Web site, though her class site remained active. Dennehy was not a coach or adviser for any extra-curricular activities, according to the 2008-09 Londonderry High School Yearbook. A private Facebook page attributed to Dennehy was deleted from the social hub yesterday afternoon.
Dennehy said she had always wanted to be a teacher, and the career change provided an opportunity to spend more time with her family. She had two daughters at the time of the interview."
So anyone who reads Barstool most likely already saw this story today, but the truth is I started to blog it last night but I was caught up in Boston's Boy EP, so I left it as a draft.  Although it's already dust in the wind to many, this went down at my high school.  My alma mater.  My home.  My streets.  My cafeteria. My hallways.  And most of all, probably on a desk which I once sat at.  Don't get me wrong, this story is a bloggers dream, but I'm feeling greedy and would have loved to have personally known the teacher, so I could confirm she had a personality for teen peen.  Since there are no real details that have been publicly identified, I am thinking my best bet on getting the study hall dirt is to substitute at LHS for a few days this week?  I mean clearly they are in need of a teacher...1st hand knowledge from some lil' ol' Lancers will provide just that.  What kind of bribes are kids taking these days anyways?  Keystone?  Natty?  Zhenka (Londonderry product)? Blackberry's? iPods? Justin Bieber bobble heads? Tranformers? Snuff?  Fake ID's from Tremont street?  Whatever it may be I need to know asap so I can get to the bottom of this smut fest.  

The best part of this entire story is when Miss D says, "I said always wanted to be a teacher."  Does this mean she always was a fiend for fifteen year old willy?  That's the frightening thing about the world we live in.  People who have had lifelong aspirations of becoming teachers are pedophiles.  Wait a second, my parents are teachers...