Tiger Woods' caddie claims he's "mad" at his boss -- and wants everyone to know that he didn't have a damn thing to do with Tiger's cheating ways.
Steve Williams -- Tiger's caddie for 11years -- told New Zealand's "60 Minutes" that the scandal has "been the most difficult time of my life, no two ways about it, because every single person believed that I should know or did know or had something to do with it."
Williams added, "I knew nothing, that's my answer. I don't have to clarify or extend that answer, I knew nothing." In fact, Williams claims he would have blown the whistle had he known what Tiger was up to.
Williams told the show that he's still furious with Tiger, saying "Of course I'm mad at him, why would you not be? I'm close with his wife and he's got two lovely children."
The caddie claims he's not turning his back on Tiger, adding "When you're a true friend of somebody, that's when somebody needs your support and need you the most. That's when you don't walk away. Tiger's one of my closest friends and he needs my support right now and I'd never think of walking away."
Ok, so let me try to understand this. Steve Williams is mad at Tiger Woods. Steve Williams is mad at Tiger Woods. Well, guess what Steve get in line. Everyone is mad at Tiger Woods for his infidelities.
And I know what your up too. Your claiming to be mad at Tiger for the cheating scandal. You're trying to paint this image in everyone's mind that you didn't know Tiger was boozing and fucking before tournaments. Unfortunately we see right through you. The only reason you are mad is because he's not playing because when Tiger doesn't play you don't get paid.
How the fuck can you be mad at Tiger? It makes no sense. You carry his fucking clubs a few times a year and rake in the dough. A matter of fact, I bet you'd be like 10th on the money list for earnings in a year. You stand around and wash Tiger Woods balls and get paid.
Give me a break Steve, shut up. We all know you were right there with Tiger get hammered and banging broads. You were right there with him just like Dj Pauly D was with The Situation.
One more thing Steve, grow a pair of balls. You go on 60 minutes in New Zealand and talk about this? What are you a pussy. If your really mad at Tiger why don't you come to the USA and vent your frustration.
Check out the video right here: http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/04/tiger-woods-caddie-steve-williams-pissed-mad-upset-60-minutes/