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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wale Debates Skip Bayless on ESPN's First Take (Is Jay-Z the Greatest Rapper Ever?)

We’ve all heard Wale toss out all kinds of sick lyrics referencing sports, so it should come as no surprise that he killed it on ESPN’s First Take yesterday morning. Wale debated ESPN’s biggest jackass, Skip Bayless, on topics ranging from Kobe and LeBron to Tim Tebow. The highlight of the show came at the end, however, when the pair discussed the question: Is Jay-Z the greatest rapper of all time? Check out the video above.

It’s pretty funny watching Skip pretending like he has any idea what’s going on in the rap game. Jay-Z as the greatest lyricist of all-time, but a bad performer? I would think, if anything, it’d be the other way around, no?

(What do you think? Is Jay-Z the greatest of all time? Feel free to debate in the comments section).