Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Little Blue Box

My husband always jokes that I wear everything he ever gave me on my left hand and arm. He's right. I wear my wedding band and engagement ring, my Micheal Kors watch and my Pandora bracelet every single day all on my left hand/arm.

I like layering lots of different bracelets, it's kind of something I've been obsessed with lately (okay, let's be honest, I think I've been obsessed with something in every post I've made this week).

I remember watching Brad's season of The Bachelor and loving how Emily Maynard always wore a TON of bracelets on one arm:

Photo courtesy of The Possessionista
(check out her blog, it's amazing!)

In keeping with the everything on my left arm theme, I decided to purchase something I have coveted for a very long time.  My mom generously sent me some birthday money and she wanted me to buy something I'd wear all the time and I immediately knew what that would be.
Can you guess?

I finally got the Tiffany silver bead bracelet I have been wanting for a long time:

 (buy it here)
Isn't it pretty?  It's so classic and simple.  I absolutely love it and I know it will be an everyday staple for me.

I also picked up this adorable Return to Tiffany™ bead bracelet.  They have a lot of these teeny bracelets and they are just so cute and delicate and look so sweet layered with other bracelets. I also have my eye on the Onyx one:

Thanks to my mom for these lovely gifts!  I was a very lucky gal this year.



PS- which jewelry item is on YOUR wish list?
PSS- I will probably get a lot of questions about how mine and my mom's relationship has been going, since I've been quite open about it on this blog. The truth is, it's a never-ending journey. Right now I'm in "A Place of Yes" (a-la Bethenny's book) about it all. I am trying to look at the positive and seeing what the future holds...with caution, of course. Thanks for your support!