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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jersey Shore shit-talker is Racist? Wants a rematch?

So apparently the dude that got lit up by Ronnie "I say BRO more than anyone" Magro, left traces on the internet of racist remarks towards the black MTV security guards that broke up the fight. I mean initially I thought this guy was in it just for the attention, but this whole racist Facebook posting along with his previous statement saying he was sucker punched and wanted a rematch with the fist pumping king?  Come on dude, you got your wanna be tough/guid-ass publicly gift wrapped on national Television...and now you're requesting a rematch.  You were antagonizing the hell out of the guy and you say you got sucker punched? Rule of thumb, if you're going to talk shit to the biggest meathead outta the BROnx, you might want to double check what you're packing before you step.  Sweet jesus did I really just defend someone on the Jersey Shore?