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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"I Blew Up In 9 Months-- I'm Pregnant"- Sam Adams

"The cleanest hustler in the game" coming at you live from GoomRadio...

"Rapper Sam Adams (a verrrry distant relative of John Quincy Adams) hails from Boston and he stopped by the Earrly Show with Will 2 Be today. Sammy discussed his influences and how he got started in the music biz. He also talked about college life and the kinds of extracurricular activities he enjoys. Finally, Sam treated us with some freestyle verses and dismissed any claims that he's "pop".
Goom Radio catching up with Sam Adams speaking on his recent 9 month pregnancy explosion into the game.  Sam spits some sick freestyle's starting at about the 7 minute mark, tossin' in some rhymes about haters, scam adams, paul pierce, etc.

Also, visit Sam's new Website @ ...and yes they have used some of the live footage taken from Señor Fresh at Harper's Ferry--GET AT ME!