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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ron Washington is a coke head

Rangers manager Ron Washington tested positive for cocaine last July, according to Jon Heyman of
"I did make a mistake and I regret that I did it," Washington told on Tuesday night. "I am really embarrassed and I am really sorry." The Rangers ultimately decided to retain Washington and he has passed all subsequent tests. Washington planned to address the incident with his team on Wednesday morning.

When I first read this I wasn't going to blog about it. My reasoning: it's the Rangers, who cares. It's Ron Washington, who cares. I've since realized though it kind of is relevant. The professional sport with the biggest drug scandal (steroids) ever has now caught a coach doing cocaine and turning a blind eye. The Rangers are turning a blind eye (just like they did through out the whole 90s, because besides Oakland the Rangers club house had needles, pills, cream and clear spread from locker to locker) on the situation.

Ron Washington should be suspended. Make a statement. Show the world you are trying to fix your drug problems. You can't honestly tell me a player would not be suspended if he tested positive for cocaine. Like player, like coach. Coaches are supposed to set an example for their players and when they don't they should be fired or punished. End of discussion.