After seeing these, you will know why:
Aside from the fact that Beckinsale is as close to perfect as can be, her entire makeup look here is so stunning, it makes me want to run to my bathroom, wash my makeup off and try this look right this very second! I'm only resisting because it would be wasteful as bedtime is only a couple of hours away.
Ok, now that I've composed myself and managed to calm down after obessessing over this look, I can address "Motivation Mondays."
Yes ladies, I've been slacking. It takes a lof ot time for peope to fill out the Q&A, so I have to wait a few weeks sometimes to make a MM post.
In the meantime, I'l share with you my recent gym antics.
I've been going pretty regularly, about 4 days a week. On Saturday, I took a pilates class at Your Body Center and I am still in pain from the class. It is a full-body pilates workout, and you use one of those massive stability balls for the entire workout.
My body definitely got one of the best workouts I've had in a long time. I find that classes force me to work harder, and try new moves my body isn't used to, versus the "same old" routine when I use weight machines.
I still have one week of unlimited classes left, so I am going to try HOT (bikram) Yoga tomorrow. I will report back and let you all know how it was.
Have you been motivated lately? Do you think Kate Beckinsale's eye makeup is quite possibly the best you've seen (ever)? Let me know in the comments below!
Until tomorrow...