Friday, October 15, 2010

Chatting with Brooklyn Decker On Makeup, Modeling & More!

If you've been reading this blog for quite awhile, you'll know that I have a total girl crush on model and actress Brooklyn Decker.  I was excited when I logged onto Facebook today because she said she would be doing a live chat for her fans as part of her work with Venus shaving products.

I logged into the live chat and was able to copy and paste answers to most of her questions (she even answered a few that I asked!)

So, let's see what Brooklyn had to say...(hope you enjoy!)

On Makeup & Hair: brands... covergirl.. simple drugstore products that are really great and trendy. Dr.Haushka... Benefit... CHAPSTICK! the more simple, the better

Hair---- pigtail braids!!! make them wet then let them dry and shake them out! Smooth and wavy! my favorite look

favorite lotion? Satin Care in shower moisturizer... works with the steam in the shower to make your legs soft!

favorite perfume.. Marc Jacobs rain... and Bvlgari White Tea

skin care... LESS IS MORE! Keep your skin clean and use minimal makeup!

I only use Venus too... they are actually made for a woman's body so you never get cut or get razor burn!

For natural makeup... mascara.... lip balm on the eyes and cheeks... and a little bronzer on cheeks so its really clean and natural... no foundation... no powder

favorite hair product....? hmmm there's a product called NO FRIZZ by Living Proof... its new technology that has a patent and everything!

On Health & Fitness:

I work out 4-5 days a week, good for body and mind

Workout playlist... its NOT APPROPRIATE!!! haha lots of Lil Wayne.. Eminem... Jay-Z... Killers...

favorite food---- CANDY!!!! oddly enough, really healthy stuff too... broccoli, blueberries, asparagus.. and candy

I prefer OUTDOORS!!!! 100 million trillion percent!!!!

I use SPF 50... high up there... want to prevent damage!

On Fashion & Style:

My favorite decade for fashion.... hmm... late sixties.. early seventies.. I love them bohemian easy style of the 60s and something was so fun and innovative about the 70s fashion... very big! I loved it!

favorite shoes... my vans... I have black vans with brown leather laces and plaid insides... I love them... my wardrobe person on my movie said to me the other day "those are the most unsexy shoes Ive ever seen" hhaa I think that's why I like them

my LOVE necklace is by Sydney Evan... she makes AMAZING jewelry and that was a gift from her.. it's my favorite jewelry line out there... and that's coming from someone who isn't a jewelry person

favorite designer... hmmmmmm Elizabeth and James... Valentino, Chloe.... Stella McCartney... TARGET!!! I love Target

Jeans on extreme home makeover.. William Rast.. they are GREAT for the bum!

On Her Career & Modeling:

Best thing about my job... well now I have two jobs... modeling and acting.. modeling I love the travel... hate traveling by myself though.. and acting- I love everything about it.. it's very challenging for me which is so stimulating!
Tell your daughter if she wants to be a model, to look at it as a JOB and not a lifestyle... thats SO important and the advice I try to follow

I act and model but CANNOT SING... trust me... I did karaoke last weekend..... not pretty

greatest person Ive worked with.... I love Heidi Klum.. shes very supportive and sweet... also Adam Sandler... he gave me my big first break and I will always be grateful for that

Tell your girlfriend not to pay for silly classes or anything if she wants to be a model!! Work hard... and trust her instincts!

...the most interesting thing I've done in my career.....??? wow so tough!!! I think this film... shooting on the USS Missouri was moving and historic

acting or modeling.. interesting.. they are both so intertwined nowadays... with actors on covers of mags and doing beauty campaigns... I hope to further my acting career... which can only help on the modeling side

Random Fun Facts:

my favorite color.. blue.. there are so many beautiful variations and it relaxes me!

I love both dogs and cats but currently have one pup and no cat!
I WISH I vacationed... I never vacation, never. But when you are working in tropical places.. you really can't complain. I'd rather go home and be mellow on my time off

my mom was my role model and still is! Shes worked her butt off her whole life and always taught me to be independent!

My favorite actress of all time... I love them ALL!!! Currently Natalie Portman, I like what blake lively did in The Town... Meryl Streep of course.. CharlizE Theron.. Marion Cotillard

I went to Alaska for work and it's unlike any place Ive ever seen in my life! So natural and beautiful... I was lucky to see it
My favorite place to visit OUTSIDE the us.... hmmm... maldives! It was stunning and where I got my SI cover so itll always hold a special place in my heart

Whats my favorite thing Ive been able to do with my "status" honestly??? Extreme Makeover was incredibly humbling and I loved every minute of that... getting invited to the superbowl doesnt hurt either...

I DO sometimes read celeb sites but try to stay away.. I like to completely disconnect from work once I leave set. that means no gossip

Phobia: toads- they terrify me... I would rather hold 10 snakes than be in a small room with a huge toad... barf

"Just go with it" premier is FEBRUARY 11!!! Im so EXCTED!

I'm a wretched tennis player... I've maybe llifted a racket four times in my life

favorite restaraunt in Austin... MOONSHINE and NORTH... beer battered asparagus at Moonshine... and Bruschetta at North

in Ugly Betty.. i am NOT that tall! They put me in giant heels and on a big box so I looked like a giant! hahah It was hard to balance on that thing

At my school we didnt have popular groups... we had theatre groups.. athletes... partiers.... etc.... I fell into the student council group... I was senior class president hahah a goody goody

favorite personal athlete--- aside from my husband.... Im a big Peyton Manning fan... he's a good guy and quite funny. I know you will get mad at this.... but TO is REALLY sweet and I like him as well... a good guy!

I am not a twitter addict!! I just like to share funny anecdotes that happen to me... sometimes I wont tweet for weeks

My favorite sport to watch... FOOTBALL!!! I love high school football! My high school team was the NC state champ last year!

my current favorite song that you should ALL DOWNLOAD--- is "Home" by the band Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros... it's happy and how Im feeling right at this moment

Favorite movie of all time... such a tough one! I have so many SO SO many.. closer... almost famous.. one flew over the cuckoo's nest

my favorite charity.... Special Olympics (my aunt is a special olympics athlete) and Andy Roddick Foundation (helping at risk youth)

I was VERY shocked about the Maxim list and I definitely should not have been in the top 100... very flattering

Brooklyn WAS their first name choice... my mom liked Brooke and my dad jokingly suggested my full name... mama loved it and I got it
Most of my friends are NOT models acutally... although I have friends in the biz... only one dear friend of mine is a model... the rest rest are in north carolina or texas... ones in law school... another in marketing... definitely distant from my crazy fashion world

hahah photographed at coffee shops alot... yes, because I drink wayyyy too much coffee... I get a small iced latte with an extra shot! sometimes with flavor if Im craving something sweets... like caramel... or chai or something

my dog is 2 and a half!!! I love her so much! I cant imagine how much one must love a child!

embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.... yes many shirts going a flying.... pants ripping... falling down in heels.. you name it.. it's happened to me

the last book I read....? I started The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... couldn't finish it!!! so boring in the beginning!!!!!

I read all the twilight books in two weeks.. LOVED them.. not a huge fan of the movies though... they have to fix those vampire eyes!

iphone... and mac.. Im an apple girl. I love my ipad... I use my computer more though!

I really enjoyed reading her answers and learning a bit more about her. She seems very down to earth and sweet.

