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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Daily Dick Licker: Typical Lakers Fan

This dude honestly wants to get "Katelyn Faber'd" by Kobe. I don't know how else to put it. I've never seen anything like it. This guys straight up says, "I'm here to do whatever you need, I'm ready to give you all me." Game, set, match. I don't even care that he later said, "...but not in a gay way." Sorry bro, you tipped us off with the golden giveaway- the old "open-your mouth in excitement, then realizing everyone else around you is like WTF did you just say" move. For the sake of LA and this dude's life, I hope he's just a little cracked out of his mind trippin' on some party pills making a fool out of himself. Regardless, typical Lakers fan slobbing all over Kobe's knob.